Those Of You Who Weigh 300 Pounds Or More, How Often Do You Get Fat-shamed?
Fat-shaming is very damaging and its perpetrators tend to be sadistic. What we need to know is who does it and why they do it. In motives we can discern actions, your story can help put an end to it. Be brave.
Elice, the sad truth is, most people who are super-obese literally expect that kind of thing, and are on guard against it constantly, which of course makes it worse. Thanks for sharing. Marion, good… read more
How Do I Stop Emotional Eating?
I eat when I am bored, I eat when I am tired, I eat when I am frustrated. I am constantly eating for reasons other than hunger. How do I stop? It's like it just slips under my radar and next thing I know, I have polished off a whole pie, or cookies or bag of potato chips.
Write your feelings down. Go for a walk.
Does Anyone Use Sweeteners And If So,, Have You Had Any Side Effects From Them? Opinions Are Welcome As Well.
I started using sweeteners in the past year and not sure how good they are for us. What kind is the best and which are the worse? I use Stevia or Trivia.
I use Equal, but I don't know the side effects if any. I hear that none of it is really good for you?
Does Anyone Get Angry Over Weight?
I have more desire to lose weight than I can express. Yet, some of my disability keeps me from doing things that can help me shed that weight. I want to go on a supplement, but all of them require exercise.. I can't exercise because of my Dystonia. I get so angry because I KNOW all the right things to do, but I can't do them! How do you deal with the war going on in your head over weight issues?
From everything I have read, most studies haven't really went into other conditions. They tend to stick with Dystonia as the primary issue or a secondary issue caused by Parkinson's, MS, etc.
When I… read more
How Often Do You Weigh Yourself, If You Do At All?
I usually weigh myself once or twice a week to hold myself accountable.
Bear With Me While I Try To Understand This Site. What Do You All Do To Increase Your Energy? To Get Motivated, And Pain Control Management
I'm currently on levothyroxine for my Thyroid, My energy sucks, I get like, 1 week a month where I can be booming around doing stuff, getting stuff done and those other 3 weeks of the month I'm downright land down. I can't do anything. I'm stuck on social media or Netflix and my body doesn't function. It doesn't move. It's in pain. I've got to see my rheumatologist tomorrow and see if she can put me back on A. Medication for the pain... I was doing so well before I was walking. I was happy to go… read more
doing the best i can some days weeks are better than others
How Do You Handle A Spouse (family Member, Friend) Who Is Too Supportive And Understanding?
My husband always tells me that I look great and that he loves me no matter what. Tough problem, right? :-) But I don't feel great. I felt great when I was 40 lbs lighter. I accept what he says and let it sway me to act in a way that is not in my best interests - going out to eat, eating what I know I shouldn't, drinking, not exercising. I know I wouldn't want him to think less of me or love me less because of my weight. I just want to know how to not use it as an allowance or excuse for… read more
I truly understand that feeling, because my boo is like that as well. I feel the same way. I'm not happy with my life because of my weight issues.
Hi Team? Is Anyone Ready For A November Challenge?
Yes Thanksgiving is in November but we're supposed to be doing a LIFESTYLE CHANGE!! This would be a great time to get through temptation.
Does anyone want to try the challenge or add some ideas to it?
Hi fedup15Granny!!
How are you doing? Welcome back! That's what we're all going to do....try!! 😊 It better to try than to quit!! Guess what? You're back and that means alot.
What Tips Do You Have For Some On How To Stop Eating When They Are Upset, Worried, Stressed Or Going Through A Bad Time
When some people are stressed, upset and worried they stop eating I eat and eat.
for me i go to my crafts especially the ones i have downstairs in our rec-room as it is farther away from the kitchen
Are There Any Regular Members On Here To Correspond With???
Hi! I have a question? Are there any members on here who really write and respond on here! I know sometimes we may drop off for some reason but it would be nice to state that! When looking for friends, some haven’t been on here all the way back to 2017. This should be set out to automatically block those who don’t respond within so many days. When they chose to come back, administrators would have to approve! It would be nice if the hobbies separated the members or something that would stand out… read more
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Last Online: 6/30/24