Those Of You Who Weigh 300 Pounds Or More, How Often Do You Get Fat-shamed?
Fat-shaming is very damaging and its perpetrators tend to be sadistic. What we need to know is who does it and why they do it. In motives we can discern actions, your story can help put an end to it. Be brave.
Elice, the sad truth is, most people who are super-obese literally expect that kind of thing, and are on guard against it constantly, which of course makes it worse. Thanks for sharing. Marion, good point, I agree with you.
I one time had an amazing day of shopping at walmart with my friend, and on our way out some guy sneered at us and said "could you move your ass a little faster" and I was just aghast and ashamed.
I believe that when people talk down to others, it's due to their own insecurities. It makes them feel better about themselves to make fun of others. How sad for them!! I also think there are others who just pretend to be concerned about someone else's health while hurting other people's feelings. Either way, it says a lot about the person doing the bullying. If you wouldn't ask them for advice, then don't let their rude comments get to you!!
There's an old Judy Blume book, Blubber, showing how a whole room full of kids gets together torture the fat one. They look up names in the dictionary that mean 'fat', they gradually escalate, etc. People here are obese. 66% of adutts. And yet our attitudes towards fatness and obesity seems to get worse all the time. The trend is worth examining.
I actually got alot of it at work before. Worked with alot of younger, thin females, who unfortunately instead of being supportive were more like MEAN GIRLS from high school. The mentality it took to go to work and just get through the day sometimes was extremely difficult. Thank goodness my prayers were answered though and we got new management!
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