Does Anyone Use Sweeteners And If So,, Have You Had Any Side Effects From Them? Opinions Are Welcome As Well.
I started using sweeteners in the past year and not sure how good they are for us. What kind is the best and which are the worse? I use Stevia or Trivia.
Thanks honeydew,l'm using the Stevia for now. Yes it's not the purist form of Stevia but l think maybe a tad better than others out there. The pure Stevia is expensive.
The have been studies/reports attributing article sweetners to aches and pains. Especially when it is used in large quantities. Like excessive diet soda consumption. But then again aspirin is medicinal in certain does and poisonous in larger doses. I gave up diet soda a month ago to try to get away from the artifical sweetners. Pretty much just water now.
I dont use sweetners!!! I use to use lots of splenda. My bariatric doctor and a lap band rep said STOP! I didnt think i could but it made a huge difference. The weight loss got better and i felt better!
Hi Betty,,I have been using Sacharine for at least thirty years. Not good ....but I don't know of any side effects. I'm not a good person to ask though, because I have so many aches and pains and I wouldn't be able to say which pain is causing what.
Think stevia is recommended because it's natural vs Sucralose. Sucralose has the least affect though from what I'm interpreting.
Has Anyone Tried Hypnotherapy For Weight-loss
I Am Looking For A Sugar Substitute For My Tea. What Is A Good Sweetener To Use That Doesn't Have A Nasty After Taste To It?
I'm Doing Intermittent Fasting And Counting Macros With No Results. Any Suggestions.