Understanding Obesity: Exploring Causes, Risks, and Paths to Better Health
12 Articles
Have you ever told a white lie to be kind, to protect the feelings of others, or maybe to simply avoid stigma? You're not alone.
For some living with a chronic condition, telling a white lie can be a way to save one's strength. Sometimes it's easier not to share your unvarnished truth, especially when it doesn't hurt anyone else.
Have you ever found yourself saying any of the following?
1. "No, no. I can do it myself."
2. "I'm not scared/nervous/anxious/unsure."
3. "I'm fine. Really."
4. "Don't worry. I'm used to this."
5. "No, I'm not in much pain."
Here are some conversations from the community about this topic:
“I want to say that nobody knows the struggle of being overweight/obese unless they have experienced it themselves.”
“I love my family with all my heart but they are just killing me.”
“I'm doing my best to stick to this diet, but I won't lie, my love for chocolate is slipping in here and there. So, yes I have cheated a little.”
Why do you choose a white lie over sharing your true feelings?
What do you wish you could say instead?
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A MyObesityTeam Member
I cannot lie about my feelings.. whether it be physical mental or spiritual pain… it costs way too much.
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