Would You Like To Participate In The January Accountability Challenge? We Are Just Staying Committed To Our Lifestyle Change With A Twist.
Everyone would stick to their Lifestyle Change routine but at anytime, anyone that is doing the challenge with us can pop a question to keep us on our toes.
Examples could be:
Did you walk today? If so how much?
How many ounces of water have you drunk?
How many steps have you taken so far?
What is your pain scale today?
How are you emotionally feeling today?
(The last 2 questions relate a lot to our eating)
If we’re on point, then we’ll get messaged good job! Keep up the good work!
If… read more
Yes please count me in
How Do You Manage Been Obese And Having Osteoarthritis
Do you have Osteoarthritis and are overweight ? Did you develop Osteoarthritis because of your weight ? Or do you are overweight because you have Osteoarthritis??Do you follow any diets? Does people think you fake been in pain ? How about your balance?
@ JcWhit I do water exercises and for me they help with my Osteoarthritis and I also watch how I feel after I consumed other types of food and drinks since I have noticed that some do aggravate the… read more
How Do You Manage Your Osteoarthritis Pain Through The Day ? Do You Take Over The Counter Pain Reliever? Or Prescription Medication
Do you approach holistic remedies? How about exercise or chores when you are so stiff and in so much pain ? Do you have any energy at all? Or does the weather makes your condition with Osteoarthritis worst ? Have you have any type of surgery for Osteoarthritis? How long was the time to took to recuperate from all that ? Has surgery make you better or do you feel worst that before surgery
I take moloxicam 1x day started trying to do 200 steps 2x day, 100 steps was my starting point. I plan on this for 1 to 2 weeks then will add more steps. I hope the weather warms up, then will start… read more
Have You Ever Been A 🏆 Trophy Girlfriend Or Wife Then Demoted To An Embarrassment Because You Gained Weight?
Meaning that you and your companion started out doing a lot of things together! They would take you out to eat and different places but when you began to gain weight; it started to slow down until it stopped because they were too embarrassed to be seen with you!
Thanks so much!!!! 😊
What Are Your Key Words For The Upcoming New Year?
The new year is just a couple of days away! It is time to think about what it is you want to different in your life. New Year's resolutions are easy to make but hard to keep, so instead of making specific resolutions, I am adopting key words for myself for the new year.
My words are OPTIMISM, CONFIDENCE, and FAITH. What words will you adopt?
belive in ur self the rest will follow
I Herd There Is A Hack You Can Do With Your Morning Coffee, Does Anyone What It Is?
Hello Logan welcome to the group
Those Of You Who Weigh 300 Pounds Or More, How Often Do You Get Fat-shamed?
Fat-shaming is very damaging and its perpetrators tend to be sadistic. What we need to know is who does it and why they do it. In motives we can discern actions, your story can help put an end to it. Be brave.
Elice, the sad truth is, most people who are super-obese literally expect that kind of thing, and are on guard against it constantly, which of course makes it worse. Thanks for sharing. Marion, good… read more
Help What Do I Do To Get Back On My Diet? I Feel Like A Failure
Thank you
Do You Have Any Ideas To Motivate A Person To Become Healthier?
Yes, I do, my children and grandchildren
How Do You Go About Weightloss When Your Medicine Makes It Hard To Lose Weight?
My medicines I am on makes me keep the weigh on. I am trying to figure out how to go about getting the pounds off. I am on a low carb diet already. What type of exercise should I be doing. I am starting back walking now that winter is over.
I have a lot of problems with meds that cause weight gain. Sometimes you can switch to another med. I worked for quite a while to find a blood pressure med that didn't make me gain. Most of them do… read more