Understanding Obesity: Exploring Causes, Risks, and Paths to Better Health
12 Articles
In late 2019, MyObesityTeam conducted a survey with 159 individuals in the United States who were diagnosed by a doctor as being obese or overweight. MyObesityTeam asked about the physical, social, and emotional impact that weight has on their lives; the health implications of being obese or overweight; and ways they have tried to lose weight.
MyObesityTeam shares the research results of our member surveys so our community can learn, collectively, from each others’ experiences.
Obesity has been associated with many other health conditions. According to Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, obesity has also been linked to discrimination, lower wages, lower quality of life, and an increased susceptibility to depression.
However, people have found losing weight to be very difficult for a variety of reasons, including:
According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 8 in 10 Americans think that advice about how to eat right is conflicting and inconsistent.
In addition, people often try a number of different ways to lose weight, alone or with external help. According to the MyObesityTeam survey, 86 percent have tried diet or exercise on their own. In addition, 42 percent have tried using meal replacements, and 40 percent have tried commercial weight loss programs, such as Jenny Craig or WW (Weight Watchers).
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A MyObesityTeam Member
Weight loss for me is a complete challenge. I've been obese and yes I say obese since I was 12 or 13 years old. I was part of that generation where people were abusing you and no one was saying… read more
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