How Often Do You Weigh Yourself, If You Do At All?
I usually weigh myself once or twice a week to hold myself accountable.
Im Curious If Anyone Here Have Gone To A Rehab Clinic For Overeating, Food Addict? Is There Such A Place? Have You Ever Thought About Going?
I thought about it but there is nothing local here. I would have to do a virtual meeting and I'm not sure I want to do that. There's overeaters anonymous where you are but San An is huge. Here is… read more
What Tips Do You Have For Some On How To Stop Eating When They Are Upset, Worried, Stressed Or Going Through A Bad Time
When some people are stressed, upset and worried they stop eating I eat and eat.
for me i go to my crafts especially the ones i have downstairs in our rec-room as it is farther away from the kitchen
How Do I Stop Emotional Eating?
I eat when I am bored, I eat when I am tired, I eat when I am frustrated. I am constantly eating for reasons other than hunger. How do I stop? It's like it just slips under my radar and next thing I know, I have polished off a whole pie, or cookies or bag of potato chips.
Write your feelings down. Go for a walk.
Gaining Weight After Surgery
I have my first appointment in January for bypass surgery, I am concerned reading how many people that have had the surgery regain the weight, is it worth it?
I personally do not think so. I have seen that. And sometimes people do ok...and often they are much sicker b/c they didn’t need to reduce their calorie intake they needed to lower their stressors… read more
Active Members
Good morning. I just joined here last night. I'm noticing that many of the team members I have added haven't been active for 1 to 5 years. Are there a lot of active members here still??
Hi April7,
How Do I Stop Feeling Like I'm A Blimp. I Know I Need To Lose The Weight, But I Am Scared, Because I Am Hiding Behind My FAT.
MarkUrick....what do you mean when you say that you hide behind your fat?
Commercial Weight Loss Programs
Has anyone ever used a weightloss clinic like Dr Bernstein? Their's sound quite good but only if you can spared $1200. -- $2000. Some people might consider the $2000. grant if you can afford to pay in advance. I, personally, can't afford it!
Definitely out of my price range.
Bear With Me While I Try To Understand This Site. What Do You All Do To Increase Your Energy? To Get Motivated, And Pain Control Management
I'm currently on levothyroxine for my Thyroid, My energy sucks, I get like, 1 week a month where I can be booming around doing stuff, getting stuff done and those other 3 weeks of the month I'm downright land down. I can't do anything. I'm stuck on social media or Netflix and my body doesn't function. It doesn't move. It's in pain. I've got to see my rheumatologist tomorrow and see if she can put me back on A. Medication for the pain... I was doing so well before I was walking. I was happy to go… read more
doing the best i can some days weeks are better than others
Has Anyone Else Gained Bsck Some Weight After Gastric Bypass Surgery I Had It Three Years Ago Gained Back 30 Pounds
what can i do to keep weight off ive just started all fruits exercising everyday walking what else
Thank you so much for the info! I’m somewhat familiar with Dr. Berry as he’s from Tennessee and that’s where I live. I will definitely watch the vids and see if it’s something I can do.