Commercial Weight Loss Programs
Has anyone ever used a weightloss clinic like Dr Bernstein? Their's sound quite good but only if you can spared $1200. -- $2000. Some people might consider the $2000. grant if you can afford to pay in advance. I, personally, can't afford it!
Honestly I have tried everything!!! You know what? What's working now is free and it works. I exercise as much as I can without hurting my body and I keep my calories between 1500-2000. I can't believe after all these years and wasted money the old way of counting calories and exercising is whats doing it for me. I wish I could go back in time and tell my younger
I know of at least 3people that were on the Dr Bernstein program. They all lost weight and a fair amount. It's restrictive and they all gained back their weight. You have to be prepared to live that life . Not just lose the weight.
Definitely out of my price range.
Well according to the grant specifications, at first you're supposed to receive a qualifying kit. After which you can get a clinician to weigh you, etc.; I think you send it back to the grant sponsor, get approval and then you take this to a weightloss facility of your choosing. I am not 100% sure if you start at this point or if you have to pay first. I know I sure as heck can't afford this either. I'm going to delve further though!
Need To Lose Weight
Calorie Foundation
Is Anybody Doing Keto Diet And Is It Working?