What Is The Best Way To Begin A Fast For The First Time? And How Long Should It Last To Be Safe?
The only real condition I have is being obese and the thing that go along with that knee and lower back pain. No high blood pressure no high cholesterol, no cardiac issues. I’ve been a smoker for the past twelve years. I smoke a half of pack a day.
Depends on the reason for the fast. I started out just a few hours drinking just water and juice. I am up to fasting from 6 when I walked up to 2 or 3 at the latest.
Sometimes I fast not from food but from certain items like unleavened which is basically no breads. Just meat and vegetables n fruit . No pop too That fast I can go a month
Is Anybody Doing Keto Diet And Is It Working?
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Help What Do I Do To Get Back On My Diet? I Feel Like A Failure