Is There A Boost Energy I Can Buy?
I started walking a treadmill from the gym and i went home and now the following day I cant get up and not feeling like moving at all. Is there some sort of boost i need to buy ?
try more protein intake ,and plenty of water it helps me
try pineapples or dark cherries. I will put the two together in a blender and drink it after a work out. Both fruits have something in them that helps with muscle dexterity. It really does make a difference. Good Luck
Need to be very careful with energy boost. They arent very safe. I took one once and i thought i was having a heart attack. My dr told me they arent even good for healthy people let alone people with extra weight. The more you keep walking ect your body will naturally make more energy for you.
Amino acids also will help with cramping and give those muscles extra healing power. Supplements are for me a lifesaver. If you are looking for one that guarantees that you are getting all of the things that it says on the label then I would take a look at dotfit. I use there aminos during a workout and the why smooth for after, plus the active multi-vitamin and vitamin D3 (for my lupus)
I find that just a little bit of pure pickle juice helps with the CRAMPS... after working out. and for -THAT- time of the month cramping aswell
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