Thoughts On Ozempic Or Mounjaro?
I am worried about side effects
I was on Ozempic for a year and lost 65lbs but then it went from being very affordable to completely nowhere touchable by my budget, so I had to quit on Halloween of last year. I have gained back… read more
Does Anyone Else Here Have Arthritis In Their Back And Knees? If So, What Treatments Have Worked For You?
I have arthritis in my back that has been treated with injections. I've even had the nerve endings in the L3-L5 region in my back burned and had a cortisol shot in my s1 region. The swelling is gone, but not the pain. My knees have been left untreated. The pain gets unbearable at times, but my doctor only says lose weight. I've told her several times that I'm usually an active person, but pain makes me not want to be active. I need relief. Any suggestions. I've already considered… read more
Thank you for giving us the head up. I was also told that they couldn't do Knee replacement surgery because I was morbid obese and I should lose weight 1st. Because if I didn't the recovery time… read more
Anyone Else Have Issues With Arch, Heel, Knee, And Shin Pain?
I've had issues with arch and heel pain since I was 150lbs and about 31-32% body fat. While I wasn't obese, I was overweight then. I'm currently 170lbs and 34-35% body fat according to calipers. I'm considered obese. I was 182lbs and 36% body fat back in early Febuary. Due to my low arches on my feet, if I stand for a long period of time, I get sharp and stabbing pain in my arches, heels, balls of my feet, and sometimes it extends to my knees and shins. In 2020- early 2022, it only did so in my… read more
Thank you so much for the suggestions! I was considering getting some insole supports for my shoes, as I always wear gym shoes everyday. I honestly think the issue is because of my lower arches, but… read more