Do Any Other Fat People Have Atypical Anorexia?
People use fat people to practice being mean. Parents teach it to their kids with their own attitudes, that's why weight bias shows up as young as three or four. The kid knows he can yell Fat! Fat! Fat! and have everyone laughing their asses off, then at school he doesn't know where to stop because he's a little kid. In groups especially, kids are cruel. Doctors are even crueler. Most get off on it, you can see it in their eyes. If any of you reading this weighed 300+ pounds before 18, I promise, you know this just as well as me.
How awful!!
Sadly, this is a very real thing that doctors can be absolutely cruel about. I know one lady who was laughed at. "You'd shoot yourself in the head if you were anorexic," rather than let yourself get so...obese." My friend ran out crying and this psychopath yells, The truth hurts, doesn't it fatty? I used my tech skills to find something she hated, that doctor, and c'est la vie. Anyway, yes, it's fairly common, and it's a vicious cycle. Again, you've got to have a weight loss plan. How much weight to lose, what's my BMI, that sort of stuff. Blessings!
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