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New Here.ednos?

A MyObesityTeam Member asked a question 💭

Hi. I am also on mydepressionteam as well.
I was wondering if there is anyone else here that has other eating issues? I dont want to get too descriptive but im not really sure how to ask this? I guess anyone suffer with EDNOS? I am overweight and have always had issues with food but its all consuming right now and has been for over a year now. i feel so alone. i know a lot of people that have this its just really hard:/
i hope you guys are doing ok xx

November 29, 2018
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A MyObesityTeam Member

I have an idea what that is, but not sure if my situation fits. I've went from Bulimia to Anorexia, to healthy, to diet pill addiction, to being an obese anorexic (that is real). I am fat, but I still under eat. I despise food. I dread grocery shopping. When I go, I buy my daughter most of the food. I get home thinking I did really well, and there will be 3 items in the bags that are mine. That is suppose to last me all month.

I go through cycles where my T2 will make me eat until I get sick. Yet, when I tell my Dr everything I ate in one day he tells me that most of it was healthy. I joke with people, but in my heart I know it is true.. I would be a lot happier if we didn't have to eat to survive.

February 2, 2019
A MyObesityTeam Member

Hi Kaye what’s EDNOS? I have been an emotional eater all my life It began when I was young and trying to deal with an abusive home life. I feel like it’s just the same as any other addiction tied to ptsd issues it’s a life long process there’s peaks and valleys all we can do is our best right?

December 1, 2018
A MyObesityTeam Member

I can relate!!

December 14, 2018
A MyObesityTeam Member

@A MyObesityTeam Member Hi. Its an eating disorder that can have characteristics of anorexia and bulimia and binge eating disorder. Its really hard to deal with because i certianly do not look like i have an eating disorder, there have been times where i want to share what im going through but no one will believe me so i just am dealing with it. yea.

December 11, 2018

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