What Do You Do To Stop Emotional Eating
You find something to do to keep your hands busy and if u are still hungry then have flavored tuna and rye crisp and grape tomatoes and I eat those like I eat jellybeans!
It can be very challenging to stop emotional eating. Some things that may help include trying to identify the emotions that trigger the urge to eat. Keeping a food journal to track when and why you eat can help with this. It's also important to find healthy ways to cope with emotions rather than turning to food. Things like Show Full Answer
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I'm not am emotional eater staying busy helps and going for a walk I like going to different stores to just look at items
Keeping only healthy food items in your house helps a lot
Thank you
How Do You Stop Emotional Eating Al I Think Of Is Food Some Times I Wish I Was Nt A Foodaholic
Why Is It So Hard To Stop Emotional Eating?
How Do I Stop Emotional Eating?