At Point That My Weight Is Preventing Me From Doing My Job Of 43 Years. Has Anyone Gone Down The SSDI Road? Did You Use An Attorney?
Many co morbidities and meds making weight management impossible. I’m mentally and physically wasted.
It is a war hence my handle…Admiral.
I had to leave my job because my walking got worse and I started falling at work a lot so I decided to end it but if things get better later I will go back to work I was working in customer service
Mine wasn't because of weight I have a mobility disability but weight loss helped it some
Its been anything but smooth. We are the second go around. Im receiving forms from SS the same ones filled out in February. I’m very aggravated. The healthcare cost to cover myself, wife and 1 child is expensive.
I’m not sure why you were charged more because of your weight? ACA does not allow insurance companies to deny or charge more based on chronic conditions etc.
I'm on SSDI. I had to leave my cashier job in 2010, but it's because of osteonecrosis, not solely my weight. I used an attorney who specializes in disability cases. It went very smoothly, but we have different circumstances. If you go that route, I wish you luck that it goes well.
Just a heads up--- you can't get on Medicare until you've been on Disability for 2 years. I couldn't afford health insurance at the rate they charged larger people, so my brother helped me. It might be different now with the changes in insurance.
i can relate to you because im in the same situation
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