I Didn't Know What The Normal Weight For Obesity Is Till Now. I Fall Under The Obesity Category But It Is Going Lower.
Never Give Up! Never Surrender! We all have seasons where the world just seems out of alignment. Like no matter what we do, we just do not see progress. There is nothing wrong with this. It is just a season. Keep maintaining your work and you will break through to a new level of achievement that you had never reached in the past.
We all Believe in you! You Got This!!
my bmi keeps on getting lower each week this week I am at 29. My weight has been falling off the scale as well.
thank you to both of you.
I was a level 3 on the BMI chart for several years but with weight loss I'm now a level 2 and 16 more lbs weight loss I'll be a level 1 on the BMI chart it's been a long slow process for me but I'm never giving up
ugh now I am back to struggling to lose the weight again.
How Do I Stop Emotional Eating?
Bear With Me While I Try To Understand This Site. What Do You All Do To Increase Your Energy? To Get Motivated, And Pain Control Management
Im Curious If Anyone Here Have Gone To A Rehab Clinic For Overeating, Food Addict? Is There Such A Place? Have You Ever Thought About Going?