Has Anyone On Here Done Intermittent Fasting ?? If So Did You Have Good Results
Some people do well with that. The variables are complex... I.e what the food you are eating is, the amount of stress you are under, how healthy you already are...as examples. I am not healthy enough to do that and doing it when your body isn’t ready can cause weight gain. So please consult a doctor, be careful, and listen to your body!
i was doing this and i was doing well, i lost 22 pounds doing the intermittent fasting.
I have tried because of my beliefs I'm at 222now bc of religious beliefs and I'm diabetic I drink fruit juice and water which is allow begin a diabetic I mean
Yes. Along with a Keto type eating plan. People need to understand the healthy concept meant by intermittent fasting. It does not mean one skips meals or go all day without eating. It means you develop a time "window" that you consume your food intake each day. I did what most do on this. Ate only in an 8hr window. No food for 16 hours. I slept during the 16hr period as this counts as the fasting time frame. I normally sleep at least 7-8 hours. I have never liked eating early so I would (and most days still do) eat my first meal about 10 AM. Kind of a brunch. Which was most often a breakfast type meal. But I have to have my coffee as soon as I get up. I use heavy whipping cream in my coffee. And if needed a metabolic boost , or to help reduce appetite and cravings, I would make "bullet coffee". Adding a tablespoon of grass fed butter (Kerry Gold) or some MCT oil. Coconut oil. I did not have a rigid time window. Just timed 8hrs from first meal of the day, to determine my cut off eating time for that same day. And old myth, not to eat before going to bed. It is not time of day one eats that causes weight gain, it is total number of calories consumed verses total number of calories burned for that day. So one can vary the window ..and limit to 6hrs, etc. Whatever works best. I ate when I was more active. This helps with energy levels and calorie burning. Plus I seldom ate 3 full meals a day. Still don't. My 3rd "meal" is more of a snack. And time of day for this, also varies. So if you are a snacker, keep the snacks within the window. And this only works with a low carb, low calorie eating plan , plus some daily exercise. Intermittent fasting ...was how I ate most of my life and remained slim. Did not know back then that I was actually doing IF. Was just my lifestyle . It is after age 55 when I started "grazing " habit. Eating a little bit of this and that all hours throughout the day, that I started gaining weight. Hitting my highest weight of 216lbs in Dec 2017 at age 72 yrs old and 5'5" tall. I now weigh 148lbs. But have been yo yoing few same pounds last few months. So reason I am still here since starting my weight loss journey July 1, 2018. Hard to maintain as it was to loose. Best wishes. I recommend the intermittent fasting as worked great for me.
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I'm Doing Intermittent Fasting And Counting Macros With No Results. Any Suggestions.
How To Start Intermittent Fasting
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