Night Time Snacking
I do fine all day. Eat a decent breakfast, lunch, and dinner with healthy snacks in between. Then in the evening after dinner I fall apart. Just can't weem to get enough to eat. I DO eat lots of fruit for snacks, but the fact is, I am overdoing it. Fruit is loaded with sugar. I just cannot get that scale to budge.
Me too!! It's like I'm starving
yes, me too. It started because I stopped smoking, but now I cannot stop snacking at night!!! it drives me crazy
Yes me too. Sometimes I will just go to bed to avoid doing it. Other times I give in to the urge. I always feel super guilty afterward and sometimes even as I am doing it.
Im in the same boat. In the late evening I snack like crazy.
Me to i can't help myself what can i do and how do i stop HELPPPPP
What Does Everyone Eat At Night For A Snack
How To Start Intermittent Fasting
How Do I Stop Emotional Eating?