Any Ideas On How To Stop With The Comfort Eating?????
Yes!! Knitting would be good. If your thing is cooking, cook for someone else. Fix a meal for a sick friend or someone less fortunate. You can enjoy cooking your food and then get it out of the house so you're not tempted to eat it. I love cooking too. Unfortunately, I've lost my appetite somewhere down the line. Now I cook, but get sick when I eat.
I used to comfort eat. I started journaling instead. I found that it wasn't the food I was craving, it was the act of doing something familiar and doing something I liked doing that gave me comfort. I get a bottle of water and write. Writing I'd where I find my comfort. What's your thing? Also, stay out the kitchen. Avoid going in the kitchen when it's not necessary that go in there. Sometimes I read my Bible or a book my favorite author. I hope this helps you.
Try cleaning your teeth to avoid eating when you have cravings.
Everytime you get a craving, get active, go for a walk, clean, it takes your mind off your fixation long enough to get past it.
Thank you for this question. I am a comfort eater. When I am at work I manage to eat according to the routine of fruit time, teatime or lunchtime. However when I gat home I am very tired to cook and just eat whatever is in the fridge, without planning what is healthy for me.
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