Does Anyone Have Tips For Someone With Fibromyalgia To Lose Weight?
I have heard that fibro can effect weight loss. i know i dont exercise as much as i used to. but in saying that i still try to exercise even with the fibro. I do go a swimming pool to aqua jog. It is heated. I found i can only exercise so many minutes then i hit the wall. I dont notice the size of other people. i notice their swim wear.
I have found that moderate walking seems to alleviate some of the fibro pain for a bit but then if I overdue the pain is much worse. I was working out in the gym and that also helped. Circuit workouts with light weights seemed to help. Had to stop for a bit and that set me back significantly. I am looking for suggestions on how to begin again aside from very slowly and with determination.
I can't exercise because of many health problems but I find if I eat more fruits and veggies, I can lose some weight. Stay away from chips, pop, - you know the junk food we all crave and you will lose some.
New here too. Could it be fibro that caused weight gain and problems of not being able to low?
Hi. I am new as well. I too want tips with fibro .
Need To Lose Weight
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