Has Anyone Had Weight Loss Surgery? I Would Be Very Interested In Your Experiece As I Will Be Having Mine In January.
What kind of surgery are you having? I had gastric banding done. It didn't work great for me because as soon as I had the band tightened my acid reflux acted up and I spent 6 weeks waking up out of a dead sleep throwing up. I had to have the band emptied.
I had gastric bypass about 14 years ago. I did exactly as I was told, post-op, and never had a single problem. (My former husband had the same surgery, same surgeon 6 months after I did. He didn't think he needed to stick with the prescribed puréed diet, and paid the price - he wound up having an emergency endoscopy, removal of debris from the anastomoses, and having an ulcer that formed under the debris. I will say he learned his lesson - the hard way - and did what he was told after that!). My problem is that I lost weight beautifully for 6 months after surgery, then stopped. I was a real gym rat at the time, doing cardio and weights, and even had my metabolic rate checked. I've had a little regain over the past decade but working on that. I guess my biggest piece of advice would be to tell you this surgery will not be a miracle - it's work. And if you have carried the weight for a long time, you might not get to that magic weight you are dreaming of. I had a firiend about my age who had a gastric sleeve done about a year ago. Before surgery she mentioned she was looking at catalogues with size 10 and 12 clothing. She probably weighed bout 300lbs before surgery, so I did warn her she might not ever be that small. And she told me recently that was the most realistic thing anyone told her before surgery.
I had the sleeve or stomach stapling 5 years ago my problem is discipline I have always snacked so Ive put back on the weight through the years through snacking. If you are a meal eater there shouldn't be much problem just follow the suggestions given to you when you attend the pre-op classes.
I have loss 172plus lbs
I have I 6 years out
Has Anyone Else Gained Bsck Some Weight After Gastric Bypass Surgery I Had It Three Years Ago Gained Back 30 Pounds
When Do You Think Is The Best Time To Weigh, Everyday Or Once A Week?
Need To Lose Weight