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Top 10 search results for "Alli" in Resources. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

Keeping promises to yourself is a way to focus on self-nurture. This could mean making a commitm...

Who’s the One Person You Should Always Keep Your Promise To?

Keeping promises to yourself is a way to focus on self-nurture. This could mean making a commitm...
Have you ever told a white lie to be kind, to protect the feelings of others, or maybe to simply...

Telling White Lies

Have you ever told a white lie to be kind, to protect the feelings of others, or maybe to simply...
"Well, I'm having an up and down week I went to a class on obesity surgery what to expect what I ...

Weight Loss Surgery and Obesity

"Well, I'm having an up and down week I went to a class on obesity surgery what to expect what I ...
Yes. No. I mean – maybe? Well, okay. Have you ever wanted to be able to say "no" without feeling...

Are You Afraid To Say No?

Yes. No. I mean – maybe? Well, okay. Have you ever wanted to be able to say "no" without feeling...
Living with obesity can mean having limited energy, time, and bandwidth. You may find yourself ne...

Tap Into the Power of Directness: Use "I"

Living with obesity can mean having limited energy, time, and bandwidth. You may find yourself ne...
Losing weight is difficult for many people. Keeping it off can be even harder. There are many app...

Treatments for Obesity

Losing weight is difficult for many people. Keeping it off can be even harder. There are many app...
"The pain gets unbearable at times, but my doctor only says lose weight." -MyObesityTeam member. ...

Joint Pain and Obesity

"The pain gets unbearable at times, but my doctor only says lose weight." -MyObesityTeam member. ...
There is an old saying: “Good fences make good neighbors.” Having healthy boundaries in relations...

How Good Boundaries Make Life With Obesity Easier

There is an old saying: “Good fences make good neighbors.” Having healthy boundaries in relations...
MyObesityTeam conducted a survey in late 2019 with 159 individuals in the United States who were...

The Impact of Obesity on Emotions and Social Behavior

MyObesityTeam conducted a survey in late 2019 with 159 individuals in the United States who were...
Do you ever feel guilty for saying 'no' or canceling plans to rest? How did you learn to put yo...

Putting Myself First!

Do you ever feel guilty for saying 'no' or canceling plans to rest? How did you learn to put yo...