Tips For Anxiety? Useful Tools To Just Help My Brain Slow Down?
Realize this isn’t exactly an obesity question(hope this is ok.) but curious what y’all’s experiences or helpful tips are
Try finding hobbies to do to stay busy and yes journaling
Hi. As a person who deals with a lot of anxiety myself I appreciate your question. My answer is talk it out. Get it out of your head. Do you have friends? Good friends who you can confide in? I do, and I tell them everything even the things that are not so pretty because I know that they love me and they want the best for me and they will tell me right off if I'm in trouble and I need to either a: slow down, b: talk it out, or c: seek out a crisis line.
You see if I don't do any of those things and I don't talk to them I'll end up in d: psych ward.
But that's me. I am an extreme case. I'm not in any way saying that's your case. What I am saying is find somebody who you can confide in. Talk to them. Tell them whatever is on your mind. Don't worry about what it is just talk to them. They will have a level head and a free mind that will be able to think clearly and help you to think clearly too. I hope this helps. God bless.
Journaling , talking to someone, breathing exercises , laying down doing guided medition to get me out of self , listening to music, & prayer are all good coping skills that help me with stress & aniexty. Hope this helps:)
Awe I'm a huge animal lover 💓
I have 11 furbabies/cats and all help and are a natural anti-anxiety/anti depressant and help with my stress, might just go the natural way of healing your anxiety
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