What Are Your Top Tips For Dealing With Obesity In The Heat?
Hello I say do not go into the heat IF you don't have too, if you do always take water with you wear light weight clothes ,sunglasses, hat if you like sunscreen.& Be safe out in this heat. Just cos we are over weight does not mean that we over heat more then anyone else. for some reason people think that over weight folks tends to sweat or over heat quicker then someone who is not. I hope this helps.
Wear cotton clothes Stay in the shade or where you have AC drink lot's of water. Eat salads and grilled protein Exercise in am before it get's hot
Wear as little as possible get in the pool as often as possible and switch on the aircon when possible
Drinking water is great just don't drink too much because you can get water intoxication from drinking a lot of water
wear loose clothing... drink LOTS of water
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