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Anyone Binging?

A MyObesityTeam Member asked a question 💭
Racine, WI

I have a hard time with overeating! Does anyone else have the same problem? If so how do you manage it? I have lost both of my parents to health issues, and want to be healthier and not go down the same road🙄

May 21, 2018
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A MyObesityTeam Member

There is an ADHD medicine that has been known to help with Binge Eating Disorder and its called Vyvanse. However, I was on it and I didn't think it worked. What I did instead was start living in the moment. When I start to grab something I ask myself am I hungry, is this healthy for me, will it be worth the guilt? Then if I am hungry I do eat, but if not I replace it with another activity.

July 6, 2018
A MyObesityTeam Member

I lost my mother in 08, and I went down five years of depression as I did with my father's death in 03. I was made fun of and rejected from kindergarten to high school for my weight and not having sex before marriage, isn't it odd how people reject you for doing your own ways in life? From an early age food was a comfort thing to me and still is. I have suffered emotional, verbal and being manipulated all my life and food was my "Friend" my "Comfort". People that make fun of you and harass you really need to re evaluate t hemselves nad look in the mirror folks. Ive been moo'd at and pig sounds thrown at me and I see the person doing it and man, they serioiusly think they are perfect and aren't. I feel ya, I am an emotional eater.

June 20, 2018
A MyObesityTeam Member

Have lots of fruit and veggies to snack on...or start your own garden its good excerise and you will get free veggies

June 8, 2018
A MyObesityTeam Member

I find keeping my hands busy doing other things helps me. I'm getting ready to do planting flowers in pots outside, I make crafts witch do not have to me expensive. Find thing you like to do, and maybe that will help.

June 8, 2018
A MyObesityTeam Member

I have the same problem and I love sweets. I have found chewing gum helps as long as it’s not minty. Or suck on sugar free candy

May 22, 2018

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