Painful Feet
when I started gaining more weight my feet started hurting,mainly my heels, has anyone else have this?
i haave diabetic neuropathy. there are times my feet hurt so bad i have to massage them. try putting bio freeze on your feet. it helps me. or there is some essential oils from walgreen drug store. its callled neuropathy oil. it helps a lot.
I have arthritis in the tops of my feet. It hurts but I have to walk daily to bus stops.
Yes, I have arthritis in my ankle that I was unaware of. From an old sprain. But my feet hurt my knees and legs. It doesn't help that I'm always being told ( by my bf who does not have weight issues) to just get up and walk. Well, it hurts worse when I do. I have some days that are worse than others.
me too. all my lower joints hurt, I have severe arthritis. The back of my heals and my right heal hurts too. Dont know why. But I was wearing an imobilizer brace on my knee and they think thats why.
ty,will try and let you know :)
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