Anyone Go To Kitchen At Night Eating,if So How Do You Stop
I have done this in the past but the doctor told my mom a long time ago if you eat after 5 that's when it turns to fat, so I try not to eat after 5,try to drink water when you get hungry and you will find out water will fill you up,hope this helps
I have this problem every so often. I find myself going into the kitchen at 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning, and I raid the ice cream in the freezer.
I have been trying my hardest to walk past the freezer, and head to the kitchen sink to drink a big glass of water and going back to bed. I usually will get up again at 4:30- 4:45 am to take my morning meds, give my smallest cat her morning bowl of milk which she has gotten very use to , she waits in her spot patiently for me to give her the milk. Then I wake my fiance up for work.
How Do I Stop Emotional Eating?
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