Wondering How Many Calories A Day Are You Eating?
I was informed I should be eating between 1200-1600? Is this what everyone else is aiming for?
Download MyFitnessPal on your phone ... or another app to help keep track
my current plan doesn't actually count calories but the do figures it is between 1000 and 1100 per day
I shoot for 1800 calories and Iām trying to add more water and protein to my diet
1200 is for me and each weekend if I want a little more I may have a treat. Only on the weekend.
I am not sure, I have been back and forth. Some days eat more than 1600 and some days less than 1200. I think it depends upon you.
What Do You Do If You Cheat On Your Diet? You Feel Like A Failure
Need To Lose Weight
I'm Doing Intermittent Fasting And Counting Macros With No Results. Any Suggestions.