Dismissive Doctors?
Today was the 7th anniversary of me and my husband's first date. It would have gone really well, except for my arthritis. I've been in pain all day. Nothing seems to touch it. I've asked my doctor for help, and all I got was "Lose weight". Has anyone else been dismissed when they bring things like this up at the doctor's? What did you do?
Yes, that's why I switched doctors.
I wanted a doctor that I could have a decent conversation about what I needed.
I have also researched it out myself.
1). Drink more water, women need 9 cups of water a day!!!!!!!
2.) Gotta keep moving. I have found that I can wiggle around, it really helps to loosen up the tense muscles.
3.) If you are menopausal like me, and have arthritis or Osteoporosis, you have to increase your calcium intake, which means to drink milk, 4 cups a day.
4.) Keep your spirits up. Mood up.
I would love to go swimming again.
I hope this helps.
I had a doctor that would leave the room before I could even ask any questions but she was quick to tell me that I could get off the meds if I lost weight so to me she just wanted to get paid but never helped me. So I traded her in for a doctor that cares and has a wonderful bedside manner I have been with this doctor now for 3 years and we are making a lot of progress with my weight by doing weight management every 6 months. Find a new doctor who is there for you and will answer all your questions.
Yes, one doctor just looked at me and said you just need to lose weight.I had about a year of breathing problems that had nothing to do with weight. I had lung problems. Sometimes I feel if I lose weight There will be world peace.
I know all too well of what we all are going through with the doctors looking at us and all they see is our being overweight and not looking at the problem because I had arthritis way before I was overweight but that's how they can see it. But my doctor still give me medicine for my arthritis and he tell me I need to lose weight too. And I said to him.I know that I am trying very hard, but the pain won't let me walk as far as I would like to so I keep pushing on pushing on hoping that it will happen and praying that it will. we can't give up. We have to do our best and pray for the rest have a wonderful blessed night.😘😘😘😘😘💓💓💓💓💓
My boss has recommended another doctor. Since part of my arthritis issue is due to a congenital misalignment in my legs, I think I may take my mom to the first appointment. I was so young when they used to take me to a specialist to see if it could be corrected that I don't really remember any details. Hoping she can help.
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