Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band
i have DVT this condition is a problem?
Yacker, you asked if anyone had gastric surgery and it was unsuccessful. I had the Lap band which did not work. Also had the gastric bypass surgery. Lost approximately 100 pounds. Have regained about 25 pounds back in two years. Also have major back pain and does not do a lot of walking. The 100 pounds weight lost did rid me of some of my medical issues. My blood pressure and diabetes are well controlled with medication.
Glad you received some benefit from your efforts with gastric bypass. My back is killing me for any walking or housework. I am 74 and still 140 lbs. Overweight. I cant cut down my food intake anymore than I have and cant exercise except in pool 80 miles round trip. My band worked well till dr. Unfilled it. Never got back to original fill amount. I can tell no difference in appetite satiation from before I ever had anything done. Tired of the struggle but cant bear to gain anything back five years now. Call us stymied I guess.
Probably best with platlet problems. My friend wanted the surgery so bad she lost a required 50lbs. Then thought, "I will just keep doing what I am doing and didnt have the surgery. Keeping it off though was hard and that happens even when you have surgery.
I have had a dvt and blood platelets problems so my Dr will not send me to some one for that
I thought diverticulitis maybe?
Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band
Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band
Weight Loss Surgery