Has Anyone Been Seen By A Nutritionist? And If So Did That Help?
Does anyone know if a nutritionist is covered by Medicare and Medicaid? I have Uh community plan.
It raised my Blood Pressure to the point that I am now on Amlodipine!! I hate taking it. I hope I can get off it.
can you still take the B 12 shots and follow your calorie intake?
Night Time Snacking
I do fine all day. Eat a decent breakfast, lunch, and dinner with healthy snacks in between. Then in the evening after dinner I fall apart. Just can't weem to get enough to eat. I DO eat lots of fruit for snacks, but the fact is, I am overdoing it. Fruit is loaded with sugar. I just cannot get that scale to budge.
Me to i can't help myself what can i do and how do i stop HELPPPPP
How Do Ihydrate When Water Makes Me Sick To My Stomach?
I work in a hot warehouse and have to stay hydrated. We are not alloud anything but clear water on the work floor. Water makes me sick when I drink it and I do not feel unthirsty any longer unless I drink something like tea with sugar in it. What can I do. Im tired of not satisfying my thirst and water is starting to anger me.
yes the packets are great, I love the raspberry ice from walmart. Also the propel is really good no coloe!
I am doing the health one meal replacements thru the weight loss clinic can i use the Alli with the heath one meal replacements??
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
What is a livet ckeansing?
Is Alli safe and does it work to lose weight?
Im Curious If Anyone Here Have Gone To A Rehab Clinic For Overeating, Food Addict? Is There Such A Place? Have You Ever Thought About Going?
I have a phsycologist helping me. I keep hearing from the professionals that over eating is us not being able to accept certain situations in our lives. Something’s hurt too much. Some time we need… read more
Does Anyone Drink Lemon Water? Did You Lose Weight
I did long time ago .And yes i.lost weight
Are There Any 75 Year Old Women In The Group Who Are Struggling. I Would Like To Hear From You.
LOVE gardening my passion!