Commercial Weight Loss Programs
Has anyone ever used a weightloss clinic like Dr Bernstein? Their's sound quite good but only if you can spared $1200. -- $2000. Some people might consider the $2000. grant if you can afford to pay in advance. I, personally, can't afford it!
Definitely out of my price range.
Has Anyone Tried Hypnotherapy For Weight-loss
I realise that my inability to lose weight is psychological. I've been through a lot of therapy over the years and we've identified the sources and triggers. But even though I am aware of my triggers and emotional eating and secret eating habits, I just can't seem to get into the mindframe of "now I will only eat clean and healthy", "no more bingeing" etc. The big irony is that I do really enjoy eating healthy, but I also go and eat lots of rubbish.
Has anyone tried hypnotherapy to help deal… read more
I don't believe in Hypnosis. But,I do know people have tried it before.
Are There Any Regular Members On Here To Correspond With???
Hi! I have a question? Are there any members on here who really write and respond on here! I know sometimes we may drop off for some reason but it would be nice to state that! When looking for friends, some haven’t been on here all the way back to 2017. This should be set out to automatically block those who don’t respond within so many days. When they chose to come back, administrators would have to approve! It would be nice if the hobbies separated the members or something that would stand out… read more
Tallahassee, FL
United States
Last Online: 6/30/24
How Do I Stop Emotional Eating?
I eat when I am bored, I eat when I am tired, I eat when I am frustrated. I am constantly eating for reasons other than hunger. How do I stop? It's like it just slips under my radar and next thing I know, I have polished off a whole pie, or cookies or bag of potato chips.
Write your feelings down. Go for a walk.
Does Anyone Else (like Myself) Get "Heat Exhaustion" On Overexertion, Which Then Also Leads To Nausea And Vomiting?
I passed out (only twice) in my life from these episodes. Once as a kid, when I was 10 yo. in a store. I got overheated and passed out on the floor. Almost once, at a local baseball game. It was really, really hot and humid that day, and I even had a cooling towel on my head, but it wasn't enough. I went to sit in the shade, but the table was underneath a tent, and I started getting dizzy and losing control. Another young lady sat next to me, feeling the same way. So I flagged down help for her… read more
I have fainted many times due to heat and exhaustion. Along with some blurriness I would get horrible nausea. Starting as a kid, I fainted at recess and sports practices multiple times. Into adulthood… read more
Have You Ever Been A 🏆 Trophy Girlfriend Or Wife Then Demoted To An Embarrassment Because You Gained Weight?
Meaning that you and your companion started out doing a lot of things together! They would take you out to eat and different places but when you began to gain weight; it started to slow down until it stopped because they were too embarrassed to be seen with you!
Thanks so much!!!! 😊
Im Curious If Anyone Here Have Gone To A Rehab Clinic For Overeating, Food Addict? Is There Such A Place? Have You Ever Thought About Going?
I thought about it but there is nothing local here. I would have to do a virtual meeting and I'm not sure I want to do that. There's overeaters anonymous where you are but San An is huge. Here is… read more
Does Anyone Else Here Have Arthritis In Their Back And Knees? If So, What Treatments Have Worked For You?
I have arthritis in my back that has been treated with injections. I've even had the nerve endings in the L3-L5 region in my back burned and had a cortisol shot in my s1 region. The swelling is gone, but not the pain. My knees have been left untreated. The pain gets unbearable at times, but my doctor only says lose weight. I've told her several times that I'm usually an active person, but pain makes me not want to be active. I need relief. Any suggestions. I've already considered… read more
@A MyObesityTeam Member G
Awesome on your weight loss
Find out if you need to loose any more weight seems like weight wise you would be ok with surgery with the weight you lost but every surgeon is… read more
People always think that because you're overweight that means you overeat. My doctor has actually told me that I need to eat more, but I don't normally have an appetite. I need meal suggestions to help increase my food intake. What can I do? Eating when I'm not hungry makes me nauseous, and my meds suggest I eat.
I like the protein cheese, nut snacks are good for that. wheni worked i would set an alarm for 2-3 hours and eat one of the small snacks. it helps stay off the blood sugar hills and vally's.
How Often Do You Weigh Yourself, If You Do At All?
I usually weigh myself once or twice a week to hold myself accountable.